Get to know our employees.
The team of Hoffmann International Recruitment GmbH consists of experienced employees in the personnel services industry.
As competent contact persons, we are at your side and attach great importance to the fact that we continue to be available for all subsequent questions even after completed projects. We would like to offer you an “all-round carefree package” so that you can continue to concentrate fully on your core tasks in the recruitment process.
Michael Horn
Fon: +49 731 14116228
Mobil: +49 151 18856688
Mr. Horn was already active as an entrepreneur at a young age. After receiving his diploma in economics at the Albert-Ludwigs-University in Freiburg, he gained further experience as chairman of the board and managing director, mostly in the field of restructuring in industry and services. As part of this activity, the first deeper insights into the clinical field were also gained. In the last 7 years, as managing director, he was responsible for the placement of numerous specialists at medical institutions throughout Germany. Mr. Horn also assumes this task at HIRE.
“I am pleased to be able to offer and further develop our concentrated competence for our customers on the German healthcare market as well as our applicants together with such knowledgeable and experienced colleagues who have known and appreciated each other for years.”
Martin Sprünken
Fon: +49 208 96006 -1 1
Fax: +49 208 96006 -1 0
Mobil: +49 171 4475485
Already during his training in a medium-sized personnel service company, Martin Sprünken recognized his passion for recruitment. Shortly after successfully completing his training in 1991, Mr. Sprünken became branch manager in the original company of today’s Hoffmann Personaldienstleistungsgruppe. This was followed in 1994 by his appointment as managing director and, as a logical consequence, by becoming a shareholder in 1996. Since 2015, Mr. Sprünken, as sole managing partner, has been responsible for the interests of the Hoffmann Personaldienstleistungsgruppe with around 550 employees in 2019.
“Together with my new business partners, I am looking forward to opening another successful and promising chapter within the Hoffmann Personaldienstleistungsgruppe.”
Thomas Schlegtendal
Tel.: +49 203 41796-15
Fax: +49 203 41796-10
Mobil: +49 1 63 2648880
Thomas SchlegtendalSALES DIRECTOR
After completing his banking apprenticeship and completing his studies for a Magister Artium in Communication Science / Business Administration Marketing and German Studies, Mr. Schlegtendal gained his first experience in the personnel services industry since 2009 and worked in various positions. After working as branch manager for various locations in Germany, Mr. Schlegtendal works as a sales manager at Hoffmann Personaldienstleistungsgruppe, which now also includes Hoffmann International Recruitment GmbH (HIRE) and will also lead the sales team here in this function.
“Satisfying customer wishes with our services is one thing. But above all, we work with people. Planning their new life plan sustainably and treating them with respect is the top priority. We will also live this way in the HIRE. I am looking forward to a good cooperation with my competent colleagues.”
Achim Smolan
Fon: +49 2151 780130-1
Fax: +49 2151 780130-9
Mobil: +49 178 2460782
After graduating from high school in 1989, Mr. Smolan started his apprenticeship in temporary work and has remained loyal to this exciting industry ever since. In 2009, he moved to the Hoffmann Personaldienstleistungsgruppe, where he has been managing the Krefeld branch ever since. Finally, in 2013, Mr. Smolan decided to use his expertise in temporary employment in temporary employment for nursing staff. Hoffmann Medical Service GmbH in the Rhine/Ruhr region is now a recognised partner for hospitals and care facilities when it comes to the deployment of temporary staff, especially in the intensive care unit.
“For about 2 to 3 years, the inquiries of our customers for the placement of foreign nurses have increased. I am therefore very pleased to be able to work as a team member of HIRE to establish the Hoffmann brand nationwide as a reliable and competent placement partner for doctors and nurses.”
Haman Belhabib
Fon: +49 731 14116228
Mobil: +49 172 2444009
Abderrahmane BelhabibHead of International Office / Recruiting Specialist
After completing his business studies as Dipl.-Kaufmann at the University of Bejaia in Algeria, Metz in France and Stuttgart, Mr. Belhabib headed the International Office at the RKU in Ulm for many years. The focus was on the care of Arabic- and French-speaking patients from the Arab world. In the last 1 1/2 years, he gained valuable experience in the recruitment, care and professional recognition of medical professionals, in particular nurses and doctors, for placement with German health care facilities. As a Specialist Recruiter at HIRE, Mr. Belhabib is responsible for the professional recognition process and is the first point of contact for applicants with an Arabic or French-speaking background.
“I am pleased that I can contribute my good contacts, especially to embassies and regional councils, as the person responsible for issuing VISAS to professional recognition at HIRE.”
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